Godley Grave Rediscovered

The grave of R. B. Godley was recently found by Wayne Thompson, who had a dairy on the poor farm in the 1950's.

Mr. Godley lived on the poor farm in his last days, but requested that he not be buried with the paupers when he died.

Read more about Mr. Godley


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The Poor Farm Cemetery

Established 1883

Parker County Poor Farm Cemetery, Established 1883 - 1945The Parker County Poor Farm Cemetery was established in 1883 along with the poor farm. It was the final resting place of many of the poor people who lived on the farm. For many years, the cemetery was lost, having been abandoned and grown over. However, it was rediscovered in 1985, and was cleaned up and restored. It is now in the care of the Abandoned Cemetery Association of Parker County.


The tombstone of Garrie Dunbaugh, aged 74 yearsMost of the graves in the small cemetery are marked only by bricks. Only one original tombstone remains, that of Garrie Dunbaugh, aged 74 years. Several other graves are marked with small plaques placed there by the Abandoned Cemetery Association.

Near the gate of the cemetery, there is an elegant monument, listing the paupers who were buried elsewhere. Click here to see a photograph of the monument, as well as the list that is on it.


The Parker County Poor Farm Cemetery



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