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Historic Preservation

At the Poor Farm

There has been some discussion about restoring the old farm house at the poor farm, but some are doubtful that restoration would be possible. We should probably get someone out there who knows more about restoring old buildings, to give us an idea of whether the old house is restorable.

Whether we restore any old buildings or not, there are plans for a Parker County heritage park at the poor farm. In the words of Jim Webster, "A focal point of the farm will be a 10-acre park dedicated exclusively to Parker County history. We have lots of history, from early Indian days and the early settlers, to becoming a county and the intense Indian raids during and after the Civil War.

Before the Advisory Group was formed, Jim Webster put together a plan for the development of the poor farm. According to this plan, the historic park would be built in the area which is proposed to be a nature preserve, and the place where the poor farm buildings are now would be a new sheriff's office, etc. However, this plan is by no means final. The advisory group has yet to work out a plan, and, at this point, nothing has been approved by the commissioners court.

Personally, I (Benjamin Bruce) think we ought to make a historic park around the poor farm buildings. That way the buildings could be preserved (for as long as they last), and possibly even do the outdoor learning center out there. This could be a place to teach kids about farm life, as it was back in the 1800's.

Whatever is done, the goal will be to preserve the rich history of our county for present and future generations.



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