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Living History

Nila's Stories of the Poor Farm

Nila Bielss Seale, with farm house in background.  (Photo by Sarah Bruce)When you read a history book, it may be interesting, but it just doesn't quite seem real. However, when you're at the Poor Farm listening to Nila Bielss Seale telling stories of years past, it's "living history." Nila tells of Mr. Godley committing suicide, of the man whose ailment was healed with some horse liniment, and just helping her mother at the farm.

Nila Bielss Seale is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bielss. Mr. Bielss and his family moved to Parker County from California, and he was the superintendent of the Poor Farm from the late 1930's to the 1940's. Nila lives about two miles from the poor farm, where she has lived for the last 54 years.

Nila remembers living in the old farm house as a little girl, and she well remembers the old folks who lived on the farm at that time.

One dramatic story Nila tells is that of Mr. Godley. Click here to read the story of Mr. Godley.



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